Look over all Proofs carefully and thoroughly before proceeding!
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TERMS and AGREEMENT: Look over all proofs completely and thoroughly. Approving the proof is your responsibility. Project will not proceed to production without approval. Infinity Graphics can not be responsible to proof or approve your work for any typographic errors, omissions or mistakes. CHANGES: Any additional changes made after the previously revised proof may incur an additional proof production cost of $35.00 per revised proof and possibility additional editing fees. LEGAL: All proofs are considered privileged and copy written by Infinity Graphics. Any unauthorized use of these files by any unintended recipient is prohibited. VIEW: The color of your proofs as they appear on your monitor are only a close representation of the final production. Colors may vary dependent on your monitor's brightness, contrast, color adjustment settings as well as final production method. This image may appear larger than actual production size depending on the resolution of your monitor and proof format.